The long goodbye (to drains)

Rest In Peace, Fucking Fanny Pack. I will not miss you even a little bit. Yes, dear friends, I am finally FREE OF ALL DRAINS!!

Nine weeks to the day since my first surgery, the last drain was finally pulled out. My surgeon said that I had the drains in longer than any of her other patients. (Not exactly the kind of record I want to set.) I didn't even reach the magic threshold, either. Had we waited for that, I might literally have been buried with the damn thing in.

So, this means that I'll likely have to go in at least a few times and have the fluid drained manually at the doctor's office. I don't even care.

I had planned to do a ceremonial burning of the fanny pack but I think that might cause some environmental issues, so I think I'll burn the 10+ pages of output logs instead. I also found my notes from my pre-surgery consultation. I wrote that the drains would be in for 7-10 days. LOLs.

Really and truly, I can't tell you how good this feels. I haven't felt like my body has been my own for over two months now. And no more delays for radiation.

Finally. Onward.